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RG Group

  • Company introduction:Zizi-Treg is very well known company which is developing a realistic and concrete wholesale and retail trade. On its trends have been seen increasing sales for many years by the trust of costumers and faithful business . The innovative concept of company is build from the Research and Development department and we have seen radical great effects for many years. The revolutionary ideas have been always near costumers defending them from not loyal competitors. Its offers are unique and appropriate for all the customers. We have set up Resale price maintenance to get round about all the inappropriate sales. Service department is highly trained with wisdom abilities for situations that will discourteous customer and harm the image of company, because on our base mission always have been customer needs and we give a grand support to that point. Key features for our loyal company is: ethics, exceed customer expectation, high quality, negotiation, responsiveness and by adding value to our work we rise the welfare of society. We are oriented in house hold appliances, infrared heating, industrial toasters/fryers, irons, dryers, bicycles, battery cars and more. Actually brands that Zizi-Treg is offering in market are: Saray, Danse, Naturel, Fayrinoks, Cingilli-oglu, and many more. Zizi-Treg will keep stand trustful because is the only way that will make us special and permanent.
  • Contact Person Name:RG GROUP - Tetovo
  • Address:Ohridska 15
  • Post Code:1200
  • City:Tetovo , Macedonia
  • Year registered:1992
  • Total employees:30
  • Geo Location:Show





Company profile complete75.00%
Number of products291
Member since01 Oct, 2012
Last activity16:53:14 , 11 Sep, 2021
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