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product description
  • Product Description:A synergy in making your dreams come true The final stage before the printed products are timely delivered to our clients. The broad finishing machinery introduced from internationally renowned manufacturers skillfully combined with the years of experience, enable us to entirely cover the overall finishing process chain with mesmerizing end results. Whenever and whatever the challenge is, from basic to impressive finishing and everything in between, we are here to make it all possible, most efficiently and reliably. Having insight in the most specific technical requirements, we provide a comprehensive range of specialty print finishing services that makes the end product truly stand out. Some of our finishing services encompass: - Fully automated die-cutting - Creasing and embossing - Programmable and computer controlled cutting - Collating - Tunnel cutting - Hot foil stamping - Saddle stitching - Genuine engraving - Lamination - Punching and grooving - Folding, customized gluing and stitching
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    Bato & Divajn

    • Company introduction:Bato&Divajn Graphic Center is a technologically advanced company which provides graphic design, pre-press, and qualitative offset printing services. It is specialized in design and production of cardboard packages, value cards, beverage labels, security paper products as well as a variety of Point-of-Sale materials, and other printed products. The implementation of the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 standards has led to enhanced performance in accompanying clients to achieve their visions.
    • Contact Person Name:Коста Андов
    • Address:Борис Трајковски 314 (Првомајска)
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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