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Толкување на убиството

Толкување на убиството

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
250 MKD

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product description
  • Product Description:Во 1909 година, Сигмунд Фројд и Карл Јунг заедно патуваат во Њујорк. Тоа е време кога психоанализата и толкувањето на соновите според методите на Фројд веќе ја имаат освоено Европа и ги прават првите пробиви во САД. Но, се случува убиство во чие разоткривање со вклучуваат и еминентните гости од Европа. Исклучителен роман за Њујорк и за животот во него кон крајот на 19 и почетокот на 20 век,за Шекспир, за Фројд и Јунг, за нивните меѓусебни односи, за сплетките и зависта...
  • Category:Books
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Minimum Order Quantity:1
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    Knizarnica Kultura

    • Company introduction:Culture Publishing House was founded in 1945 and today is the oldest publishing house in Macedonia. Privatized in 2000. At the time of privatization had 120 employees, today the overall activity performed by 20 people. Culture in its possession has two bookstores, one of which is at the center of Skopje and applies to most representative publications in Macedonia. Collaborating with more private bookstores in Macedonia, and space has its own bookstore and Economics Faculty. Culture announces: Fiction (world and Macedonian writers) Essays and Criticism (from international and Macedonian writers) Philosophical literature Historical literature Medical literature. The more important world cultures writers declared: Milan Kundera, Andrew Makin Antonio Tabuki, Robert Ludlum, Carl Sagan, Adele Parks, Niccolo Amaniti, Paul Block, Robert Vogan, Erin Emmanuel-Schmitt, Leszek Kolakovski, Edgar Morin, Robert Badinter, Nulo Minis, Erich Fromm ... Last year published a culture of Macedonian first integrally published Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, and received copyrights for books Vabio oxen, and Federico pisses, Umberto Eco and others. Culture is an advocate for the rights to Harry Potter ... Annual ARTS publish 50 new titles.
    • Contact Person Name:Култура
    • Address:Македонија 53 Скопје
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Telephone #:023296763
    • Geo Location:Show


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