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Air purifier GREE, AQUA Series with humidifier

  • Air purifier GREE, AQUA Series with humidifier

    Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
    12.990 MKD

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    product description
  • Product Description:Air purifier brand GREE, AQUA series with humidifier. * Filter mode: Silver Ion Filter + filter cotton + HIMOP + HEPA + active carbon filter + anion + humidification system. * Combinaion mode: Silver Ion Filter + filter cotton + HIMOP + HEPA + active carbon filter + anion + humidification system + static dust cleaner. * Static mode: Silver Ion Filter + filter cotton + active carbon filter + anion + humidification system + static dust cleaner.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Warranty:3 years
  • Minimum Order Quantity:1
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    Greemak group

    • Company introduction:GREE Electric Appliance, Inc. of Zhuhai (“GREE”) is the largest manufacturer of air conditioners in the world. Headquartered in the city of Zhuhai (China) the production takes place in 9 factories worldwide with more than 80,000 workers, and of which more than 5,000 engineers from the department of research and development. Because of the large research and development department, today GREE is a proud owner of more than 3,500 patents The annual production capacity is more than 60 million air conditioners from the domestic series 5.5 million devices from the commercial series. The products of GREE are divided into 20 categories, with 400 series and more than 7,000 models. Today more than 200 million people worldwide are users of products manufactured by GREE. GREE e renowned worldwide for its quality products and excellent performance behind which stand 300 laboratories for quality control. Thanks to that, GREE is the only brand of air conditioners in China with label "World Brand" given by “General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine“. Special attention is paid to the environmental and health requirements, consumption of electrical power, the noise level and the materials, with which the GREE devices apart from other devices. Today the products of GREE are continuously delivered worldwide and are carriers of peaceful, harmonious, working and family atmosphere. With a goal to enable our costumers with simple and comfortable use, GREE is always ahead of your desires and needs.
    • Contact Person Name:Симона
    • Address:ул. Владимир Полежиновски бр.9 (зад Т.Ц. Буњаковец)
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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