- product description
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product description
Product Description:Претставува метода со помош на која се добива примерок од околуплодовата течност кој се користи за анализа на хромозомскиот материјал на фетусот. На овој начин се поставува пренатална дијагноза за можните анеуплоидии (абнормалности на хромозомите) кај фетусот.
Category:Medical Services
company profile
Ina Gynecology and obstetrics
- Company introduction:Dr. Katerina Stankova has experience of more than 20 years in her speciality (University Hospital, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Remedika, abroad). The latest ECHO 4D device in the world market (Medison Accuvix V20 PRESTIGE). Personalized care for our clients - organization of examinations and interventions with well known specialists from other areas. Upon request Dr. Stankova performs opretaive interventions and deliveries of her patients at the Remedika private hospital. Established cooperation with Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, USA and the University Hospital Charitå in Berlin. Affiliate Ultrasound Center of the Jefferson Ultrasound and Research Institute, Philadelphia, USA.
- Contact Person Name:Катерина
- Address:8-ми Март 18
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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