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Апарат за ноќна aпнеа-prisma-SMART

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product description
  • Product Description:Sleep apnea is a potentially serious disorder that prevents normal breathing while you sleep. It can affect men, women and children of all ages. Most people with obstructive sleep apnea are unaware of their condition. This happens when the muscles in the throat relax, the passage of air is prevented or reduced, you can not get enough air, which reduces the level of oxygen in the blood. Your brain is sensitive to changes and wakes you up to open your airways.
    • Loud snoring
    Episodes of cessation of breathing while sleeping
    • Morning headache
    • Sleep problem
    Feeling of insomnia during the day (hypersomnia)
    Unless a solution is sought for diagnosis and effective therapy, people are at increased risk of: sleep apnea:
    ➡ Elevated blood pressure
    РиArrhythmias or heart disease
    Дар Heart attack
    . Stroke
    The diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea can be made by your doctor or specialist in the field.
    The treatment for sleep apnea will be prescribed by a doctor with the help of a device (Cpap). For an offer and additional information about sleep apnea devices you can send us a request for a brochure at medical@bimek.com.mk
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Seller:Bi-mek
  • Place of Origin:Macedonia
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    • Company introduction:Би-МЕК e овластен дистрибутер на многу светски познати и реномирани производители на медицинска опрема и предиктивни тестови. Вредностите на кои се темели нашиот континуиран успех се квалитет, услужност, доверба и разбирање на потребите на нашите клиенти.
    • Contact Person Name:Катерина
    • Address:Миле Поп Јорданов 44
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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