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Golden Art

  • Company introduction:Following the long family tradition of successful work in the construction sector , the company "Golden Art " was founded in 2005 , setting a goal to cover all types of construction work, from preparation of project documentation to execution of the most complex structures in the sector building construction. From the beginning of its existence until now, the experienced construction personnel of " Golden Art " has built over 40 reference objects in Macedonia and Montenegro. Besides the overall execution of buildings and their facades , the company has extensive experience in interior designing of rooms in buildings with decorative stone and decorative concrete. Since the early days of our work we tried to create quality policy for every customer, relying on the rule to be the best in our business. Besides the strict compliance with the domestic laws, regulations and standards intended for the construction sector, we have set a task to fully implement the international quality standards EN ISO 9001:2008, EN ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007. We are firmly convinced that such support from the strict standards we can guarantee to every customer a high quality work, and also a high quality of life in our facilities. The work of our company is strongly associated with monitoring and understanding the needs of our customers.
  • Contact Person Name:Даниела
  • Address:Методија Шаторов Шарло 7
  • Post Code:1000
  • City:Skopje , Macedonia
  • Geo Location:Show





Company profile complete75.00%
Number of products41
Member since26 Apr, 2012
Last activity00:15:02 , 08 Apr, 2017
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