- product description
- company profile
product description
Product Description:Sweeten up your festivities with our cakes because we offer you quality and quantity. Let your weddings, baptisms and the dearest moments in your life shine with the best cakes selected by your preference in completed with our knowledge.
company profile
- Company introduction:Respected clients, dear consumers! Thank you for choosing us as your delicatessen, bakery and pastry shop. You already know about our existence, we still figurate as a new company and for some we still unfamiliar. The three years of existence in the hearth of the market is nothing in comparison to our 20 years of experience. All the knowledge and all the quality we decided to share with you here in “Bajadera”. Here you can try the best burek in Ohrid and the banichka is far known as well as the hot pastry that waits for you. After the morning breakfast Bajadera can offer you the best sweets, ice creams and beverages. Sweeten up your festivities with our cakes because we offer you quality and quantity. Let your weddings, baptisms and the dearest moments in your life shine with the best cakes selected by your preference in completed with our knowledge.
- Contact Person Name:Сашо
- Address:Градски пазар б.б.
- Post Code:6000
- City:Ohrid , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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