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  • Company introduction:Eurostil is a Macedonian company that began operations in 1990. as a sewing autoseat case and trade with auto cosmetics. - Head office and manufacturing plant is 30 ul.Tajmishka Skopje, Macedonia. - The company employs 28 employees of which part are in the production, and part in the distribution, administration and marketing. - Our market is mainly domestic, and occasionally in the former Yugoslav republics. - Besides the professional production of autoseat case we represent many world brands from the auto cosmetics. - The range is variable and ranges around 4,500 items. -We distribute to all small and large autoshop stores, gas stations and major markets as Vero, Tinex Hubo, Tediko and others that cover the entire territory of Macedonia. - Our great success is mostly due to Ototop group from Italy and Greece where we are members. Also a great help and support we have from our suppliers from across Europe and worldwide. A professional team of employees unselfishly committed to the ongoing work to not lag in time to distribute certain items, which is a continuous distribution in over 500 stores.
  • Contact Person Name:Продажба
  • Address:Тајмишка 30
  • Post Code:1000
  • City:Skopje , Macedonia
  • Telephone #:(02) 2612 566
  • Year registered:1995
  • Geo Location:Show





Company profile complete68.75%
Number of products48
Member since12 Jul, 2011
Last activity14:45:30 , 19 Oct, 2018
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