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Cleaning public traffic surfaces

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product description
  • Product Description:Cleaning of public traffic surfaces means, maintains of public communal hygiene – brushing and washing, also emptying waste baskets. Cleaning of public traffic surfaces at City Skopje area will realize: - Manual brushing - Mechanical brushing - Manual washing with tanks - Mechanical washing with tanks - Clearing Cleaning of public traffic surfaces depends from few parameters, meaning: - Density of population - Frequency of people and motor vehicles - Degree of dirt - Degree of barriers - Infrastructural traffic conditions - Citizens style of leaving in urban environment For functional cleaning of public traffic surfaces was created a categorization of the same in urban part of the City Skopje, tree categories.
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    Communal Hygiene-Skopje

    • Company introduction:PE “Communal hygiene” – Skopje, which founder is City Skopje, one of the biggest communal Enterprises in Republic of Macedonia. In hundred years existing and contribution, PE “Communal hygiene” taking successfully care for public hygiene at the City Skopje area. In the Enterprise are employed thousand of employees and operate with over 130 special communal vehicles for collecting and transporting communal waste, including other additional activities in the Enterprise. Developing with modern technology, well organized, efficient, with responsibility and discipline, PE “Communal hygiene” becomes the leader in communal activities in the Country.
    • Contact Person Name:Contact telephone
    • Address:Ilinden 1
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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