AB-1200 без греење и AB/G-1200 со греење
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product description
Product Description:
•Макс. висина на врата (m) 5 •Макс. ширина на врата (m) 1.2 •Излезна брзина (m/s) 6,7 / 8,6 / 10,2 / 11,6 •Моќност на моторот (hp/a/w) 1/4, - 1.7 – 187/ 391w •Проток на воздух на потис (м3/час) 1420/1840/2180/2460 •Брзина на мотор (вртежи) 1380 •Вкупна должина (cm) 1240 •Вкупна ширина (cm) 22 •Вкупна висина (cm) 26 •Тежина (kg) 23.5 •Греење (kW) - со регулација 5 / 7,5 / 10 •Дебелина на возд. слој (cm) 6 •Напојување со елек. енергија 230V / 400V
•Макс. висина на врата (m) 5 •Макс. ширина на врата (m) 1.2 •Излезна брзина (m/s) 6,7 / 8,6 / 10,2 / 11,6 •Моќност на моторот (hp/a/w) 1/4, - 1.7 – 187/ 391w •Проток на воздух на потис (м3/час) 1420/1840/2180/2460 •Брзина на мотор (вртежи) 1380 •Вкупна должина (cm) 1240 •Вкупна ширина (cm) 22 •Вкупна висина (cm) 26 •Тежина (kg) 23.5 •Греење (kW) - со регулација 5 / 7,5 / 10 •Дебелина на возд. слој (cm) 6 •Напојување со елек. енергија 230V / 400V
Category:Heating Instalations
Seller:Bane Air - Servis termo king
company profile
Bane Air - Servis termo king
- Company introduction:Our company Servis Termo King was founded in 1992 in Skopje, in Crniche settlement and deals with production of electrical heaters, air curtains and heaters for ventilation and air conditioning, construction of electric underfloor heating, as well as sales, installation and servicing air conditioners. Our manufacturing program consists of serial production of three models of electrical heaters such as TK-3 kw, TK-4,5 kw and the “Typhoon” 6-8-10 kw model. The quality of our electrical heaters is confirmed by the high percentage of our market coverage as well as the sale outside our region, so we are known as Master Bane. In 2004 we launched a new product – air curtains under the name of BANE AIR in 4 different dimensions: 1.0m, 1.2m, 1.6m, 2.0m with or without heating. All of our products are tested and attested and have certificates of quality and reliability. Moreover, we have been rewarded with a gold medal at the international fair “ Tehnoma”. Every day a team of experts is working on our innovations and ideas, following the world trends in our manufacturing program in order to be always in step with the times. Regarding to the construction of ventilation, air conditioning sales and servicing, we can certainly affirm that we are specialized in servicing and installation of all types of air conditioners, allowing our customers to be 100% sure of the purchased product and we are obligated to eliminate the defect within 24 hours with help of our service technicians. In addition to this, we are general representatives of the renowned company for producing electric heating cables, ELEKTRA with headquarters in Poland. Lately, the electric heating cables have been real hit and real solution for effectiveness and have been widely used for heating the homes and business premises as well as for melting and against freezing of gutters, roofs, stairs, yard areas, access routes and entrances of public, commercial and industrial facilities.
- Contact Person Name:Бане Аир - Сервис термо кинг
- Address:Востаничка 21
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:1992
- Geo Location:Show
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Retail Price - VAT Included:Ask for price AB-1000 без греење и AB/G-1000 со г ...