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  • Product Description:Code: 163 xh. These PVC profile doors are composed of plastics with integrated micro-chambers that make the door stabile and prevents it from deformation. They are resistant to radiation and have advanced thermal, sound and fire isolation. Doors for your home The various models of doors are specially designed in order to fit perfectly to our client’s domestic environment. These models are produced depending on the client’s preferences. The color, dimensions and the shape of these windows also depend on the client’s taste and other characteristics of the building or the construction they are built in. All this is done in order to provide a modern look and functionality. Slide and harmonica doors These doors are ideal for areas with limited space. They are used in order to ensure a rational usage of the space. These doors are produced in different shapes, dimensions and colors depending on the client’s preferences.
  • Category:Doors
  • Availability:Contact
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    Solid Plast

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