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HP printer monochrome LJ M15a A4 W2G50A

HP printer monochrome LJ M15a A4 W2G50A

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
4.190 MKD

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product description
  • Product Description:HP LaserJet Pro M15a Printer

    Printing specifications
    Print technology Laser
    Speed Black (normal, A4): Up to 18ppm
    First page out Black (A4, ready): As fast as 8.4 seconds;
    Print resolution (best) Up to 600 x 600 x 1 dpi
    Maximum print area (metric) 216 x 297 mm
    Monthly duty cycle Up to 8,000 pages

    Ports Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port
    Wireless capability No

    Memory 8 MB

    Paper handling
    Input capacity Up to 150 sheets
    Output capacity Up to 100 sheets
    Media sizes supported (metric) A4; A5; A6; Envelopes (C5, DL); Custom

  • Category:Printers
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Seller:Apolo
  • Place of Origin:China
  • Warranty:1 year
  • Minimum Order Quantity:1
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Apollo Ltd Skopje is a company known for the sale of consumables for all types of office equipment. Import and distribute supplies ranging from original, which are the highest quality, through a compatible which have great performance / price relation, the entire range to rounds up with the materials for recycling which are available to the widest citizenship. This year, in terms of magnetic media we introduced Memoreks; U.S. in the list of brands that are imported. In the 8 years in the Macedonian market we served many clients as institutions, companies and individuals who we believe are satisfied with the quality and pricing of our products and services.Lead programs: OEM consumables and accessories for all types of printers, copiers, faxes. Emstar - Austria, compatible toner cartridges with high quality, replacement drums and other vital parts of the tape, reproduced and newly produced compatible inkjet cartridges and so on. Memorex - U.S., magnetic media such as CD, DVD, external hard drives, memory cards (SD, MMC, etc.), USB stick, batteries, etc.. Fullmark - Singapore, for nidle ribons compatible printers and typewriters, fax films (TTR), thermal-transfer ribons for bar code printers, special papers and foils, magnetic media, etc. risografi. InkTec - Korea cartridges compatible printers for Epson and Canon, refill kits, filling vacant cartrides for all types of inkjet printers, inks on liter, inks in small packs of 20ml -100 ml, spec. types of paper supplies for plotters (large format printers). Printstar - Hungary, compatible toner cartridges and inkjet cartridges Delacamp - German cartridges for photocopiers, spare parts for copiers and materials for recycling empty toner cartridges (drums, wiper, powder recycling chips, magnetic roller, etc.).
    • Contact Person Name:Александар
    • Address:Никола Парапунов 27, лам.3, стан 5
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Year registered:1999
    • Total employees:14
    • Anual sales:60000000
    • Export percentage:5
    • Geo Location:Show
    • More details
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