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Net ROUTER Wireless, 108Mb, LINKSYS, N Home Broadband, WRT120N-EE

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product description
  • Product Description:The WRT120N Wireless-N Broadband Router is a three-in-one device. It acts as a wireless Access Point, Switch, and your network's DHCP Server. This router is compatible with Wireless-G/B devices.

    Product Features
    • Wireless-N Technology
    • 2.4 GHz radio frequency
    • Up to 128-bit Encryption
    • 4 x 10/100 Ethernet ports
    • Wi-Fi Protected Setup™
    • WPA/WPA2 and WEP wireless security modes
    • Wireless MAC Filtering
    • Includes Network Magic™ software
    1, 2, 3, 4 (Blue) – These numbered LEDs, corresponding with the numbered ports on the Linksys WRT120N back panel have two ( 2 ) purposes. The LED is continuously lit when a device is connected to the port. It flashes to indicate network activity over that port.
    Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ (WPS) Button – If you have client devices, such as wireless adapters, that support WPS, you can use the WPS button to automatically configure wireless security for your wireless network(s). The LED flashes when a WPS session is active. It flashes blue for two (2) minutes during the WPS process and goes steady when the setup process is successful. The LED lights up amber if there is an error during the WPS process.
    Wireless (Blue) – The Wireless LED lights up when the wireless feature is enabled. It flashes when the Linksys WRT120N sends or receives data over the wireless network.
    Internet (Blue) – The Internet LED lights up when there is a connection made through the Internet port. It flashes to indicate network activity over the Internet port.
    Power (Blue) – The Power LED lights up when the Linksys WRT120N is powered ON. The LED flashes when the router goes through its self-diagnostic mode during boot-up. When the diagnostic is complete, the LED is continuously lit.
    Back Panel

    Internet – The Internet port is where you connect the network (Ethernet) cable from your Internet Service Provider (ISP), which typically comes from a Cable or Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) modem. In most cases you will be connecting one end of the network cable to the Ethernet port on your cable or DSL modem and the other end to the Internet port on your Linksys WRT120N.
    4, 3, 2, 1 – Using network cables, these Ethernet ports (4, 3, 2, 1) connect the Linksys WRT120N to computers or other devices on your wired network that have Ethernet ports such as gaming consoles, HDTVs, Blu-ray Disc™ players or printers.
    Reset – There are two (2) ways to reset the router to its factory defaults. Either press and hold the Reset button for approximately 10 seconds or restore the defaults from the Administration > Factory Defaults screen on the router’s web-based setup page.
    Power – The Power port is where you connect the power adapter. Just unplug the power adapter to power OFF the device.
    Minimum System Requirements
    Web Browser
    • Internet Explorer 6 or higher
    • Safari® 3 or higher
    • Mozilla Firefox 2 or higher
    Operating System
    • Windows XP
    • Windows Vista (32 and 64-bit)
    • Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)
    • Windows 8
    • Mac OS X® 10.4 or higher
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Place of Origin:United States
  • Warranty:1 year
  • Wholesale Price - VAT Excluded:1.500 MKD
  • Minimum Order Quantity:1
  • company profile

    Max computers

    • Company introduction:Макс компјутери на своите клиенти секогаш ќе се обидува да им понуди: • најквалитетни производи што моментално можат да се најдат на компјутерскиот пазар во светот • системи кои целосно ќе ги задоволат барањата на потрошувачите за перформанси, стабилност и привлечна цена • модерна и интерактивна презентација на хардверските експонати и на можностите на системите • сервис што во секое време и на секое место ќе им излезе во пресрет на корисниците и ќе биде подготвен да им одговори на предизвиците што ги носи развојот на технологијата Во нашата компанија работат високостручни кадри кои целосно им се посветени на развојот и усовршувањето на продуктите што можете да ги набавите кај нас и тоа не само заради потребата да бидеме први на пазарот, туку да ви овозможиме и вам да бидете секогаш пред конкурентите.
    • Contact Person Name:Бошковски Јовица
    • Address:Пиринска 47
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Year registered:2006
    • Total employees:5
    • Anual sales:25000000
    • Geo Location:Show
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    Retail Price - VAT Included:777 MKD

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