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Hospital Administration (HA)

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product description
  • Product Description:This software is adjusted to the client’s needs, increasing of the work efficiency, and it contributes to the patients’ waiting time. It provides clear and fast-appearing list of patients, their personal data, medical history, etc. The application includes: • Entering and search of patients (basic data, data of the health insurance and the insurance holder, control) • Medical check (diagnosis, treatments) • Calculations (insurance, participation, materials and medical services) • Data of the doctors • Periodical lists • Fiscal receipts • Fiscal lists. Please click on the following link for more information on the this package http://www.elikosoft.com.mk/en/Solution.aspx?option=ha Elikosoft with its team is available to all clients interested in any kind of information.
  • Category:Software
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Seller:Elikosoft
  • Place of Origin:Macedonia
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Founded in 1994 in Skopje, the company’s primary goal is developing feasibility studies and application solutions in the field of banking, civil engineering, trade, agriculture and other areas of work, adjusted to the users’ needs. The transition has created numerous new opportunities in Macedonia. The demand on the market has been increasing in many other economic areas and we have recognized the opportunity to act in other areas of work such as the civil engineering. For that purpose two teams have been established in the company: IT Sector and Civil Engineering Sector. Elikosoft is among the first companies in the SEE region that develops and maintains high-quality solutions in its area of working. The services offered by the IT Sector of the company include consulting, planning, developing applications and training through direct contacts with the users of the information systems. Elikosoft has been subsequently engaged in business in Macedonia for fifteen years and currently employs more than ten highly qualified and certified experts, participating in sectors as follows: • Software design and programming • Maintenance of software application solutions • Training, help desk and end-users support • Development of web applications • Civil engineering sector – design, monitoring and performance • Marketing • Finances and administration • Distribution You can view our profile at the following link http://elikosoft.com.mk/en/About.aspx
    • Contact Person Name:Rade Petrovski
    • Address:ul. Majka Tereza br. 11 lok. 2
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Year registered:1994
    • Total employees:10
    • Geo Location:Show
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