Sintefas paint
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product description
Product Description:SINTEFAS color is produced on the basis of acrylic resin dissolved in organic solvents, fillers and light quality pigments. It is used for protection and decoration of facade and interior walls.
Application: Simply apply. It can be used at temperatures from-30C to +40 C, if the ground is not frozen or in all weather conditions. For good parapropustlivost sediment SINTEFAS color can be applied to surfaces up to eight days old.
SINTEFAS color rule is applied in two layers. The first layer of paint should be diluted with 5-10% aslen thinner and finishing second layer should be thin (or up to 5% thinner).
Correcting colors can only be done with mutual interference produced the original industrial tones. Prepared paint can be applied with a brush, wool roller or spray. First applied layer must dry 24 hours, then you can cause other finishing layer. After completing the work, the packaging should be closed, and the tools to immerse in oil diluent.
Packaging: 0.75 l, 4k, 20l.
Consumption: The SINTEFAS 1L paint can be applied one layer of absorbent average of 6.7m2 surface. The capacity depends on the absorption and absorption of the substrate.
Shelf life: 24 months.
Application: Simply apply. It can be used at temperatures from-30C to +40 C, if the ground is not frozen or in all weather conditions. For good parapropustlivost sediment SINTEFAS color can be applied to surfaces up to eight days old.
SINTEFAS color rule is applied in two layers. The first layer of paint should be diluted with 5-10% aslen thinner and finishing second layer should be thin (or up to 5% thinner).
Correcting colors can only be done with mutual interference produced the original industrial tones. Prepared paint can be applied with a brush, wool roller or spray. First applied layer must dry 24 hours, then you can cause other finishing layer. After completing the work, the packaging should be closed, and the tools to immerse in oil diluent.
Packaging: 0.75 l, 4k, 20l.
Consumption: The SINTEFAS 1L paint can be applied one layer of absorbent average of 6.7m2 surface. The capacity depends on the absorption and absorption of the substrate.
Shelf life: 24 months.
company profile
- Company introduction:Карбон Ви нуди голем избор на лепила за плочки, стиропор дрво, паркет и хартија. Разни видови на поликолори за внатрешна и надворешна употреба, глет маса за глетување. Лазури за дрво, темел и лакови за паркет. Школски матријали, креда, карбофикс, ланено уље, терпентин сликарски уљени бои и многу други производи од палетата на производи на Карбон. Дел од Нашите производите се: Малтер: Уни-Грунд, Бето-Контакт. Бои: Поликолор Екстра, Поликолор Фасаден, Ролопласт, Синтефас,Хобифлор. Лепила: Карбофикс, Карбофикс Д3, Либрокол. Поликолори и подлоги: - Боја за внатрешни и надворешни sидови - Хобифлор-Боја за внатрешни sидови - Карболан- Фасадни малтери
- Contact Person Name:Сашо
- Address:Скупи б.б.
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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