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product description
Product Description:ROLOPLAST is dispersive mortar. Produced is based dispersions of alkali-resistant, high-quality fillers, additives and pigments constant light.
Application: It is used for decorative protective processing of external and internal walls made of concrete surfaces and solid sound old coatings. It can be applied to permanently wet areas that have been treated with silicone or silicone impregnation colors.
Excessive roughness of the surface should be leveled with mortar that respond least smoothing table.
Pipremenite surfaces are impregnated with paint EXTERIOR impregnation which the application is diluted with water in 1:5 ratio.
Be applied with a brush and dry 5 to 6 hours under normal conditions. The metal or plastic gletacia ROLOPLAST applied in thickness from 1.5 to 2mm, then sponge roller catch. The best result is achieved if a worker has applied Roloplast and another worker deals with roller surface.
ROLOPLAST in use may be diluted with 5% water.
Consumption: 2-3kg/m2
Packing: 25kg
The suspension and ultimately the tool to wash with water.
packaging well closed.
Storage: everything is stored at a temperature of 5C to 35C.
Shelf life: 18 months in original packaging.
Keep from freezing.
Application: It is used for decorative protective processing of external and internal walls made of concrete surfaces and solid sound old coatings. It can be applied to permanently wet areas that have been treated with silicone or silicone impregnation colors.
Excessive roughness of the surface should be leveled with mortar that respond least smoothing table.
Pipremenite surfaces are impregnated with paint EXTERIOR impregnation which the application is diluted with water in 1:5 ratio.
Be applied with a brush and dry 5 to 6 hours under normal conditions. The metal or plastic gletacia ROLOPLAST applied in thickness from 1.5 to 2mm, then sponge roller catch. The best result is achieved if a worker has applied Roloplast and another worker deals with roller surface.
ROLOPLAST in use may be diluted with 5% water.
Consumption: 2-3kg/m2
Packing: 25kg
The suspension and ultimately the tool to wash with water.
packaging well closed.
Storage: everything is stored at a temperature of 5C to 35C.
Shelf life: 18 months in original packaging.
Keep from freezing.
company profile
- Company introduction:Карбон Ви нуди голем избор на лепила за плочки, стиропор дрво, паркет и хартија. Разни видови на поликолори за внатрешна и надворешна употреба, глет маса за глетување. Лазури за дрво, темел и лакови за паркет. Школски матријали, креда, карбофикс, ланено уље, терпентин сликарски уљени бои и многу други производи од палетата на производи на Карбон. Дел од Нашите производите се: Малтер: Уни-Грунд, Бето-Контакт. Бои: Поликолор Екстра, Поликолор Фасаден, Ролопласт, Синтефас,Хобифлор. Лепила: Карбофикс, Карбофикс Д3, Либрокол. Поликолори и подлоги: - Боја за внатрешни и надворешни sидови - Хобифлор-Боја за внатрешни sидови - Карболан- Фасадни малтери
- Contact Person Name:Сашо
- Address:Скупи б.б.
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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