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product description
  • Product Description:преводи
  • Availability:On Order
  • company profile

    Lingva Konsalting

    • Company introduction:Lingua Consulting is an agency dealing in translation/ interpretation and other types of language services. We cooperate with large number of experienced, professional and educated translators and interpreters. Regardless of the type of the language services you need (sworn/certified translation, simultaneous or consecutive interpretation, proofreading, desk top publishing or any other administrative service) you may rely on us. We will assist you, professionally and efficiently, to achieve your objective. Our goal, since the first day, is to offer our clients a guarantee for the price, the quality and timely delivery. By implementing our vision, engaging only professional associates and by completely respecting the confidentiality of our clients’ documents and property, we earned the confidence of many multinational and government clients.
    • Contact Person Name:Ана
    • Address:Желево 1-3/4
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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