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Rental services regarding equipment intended for simultaneous and consecutive interpreting

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product description
  • Product Description: Interpreting booths
     wireless and conference microphones
     “infra-red” receivers
     headphones
     interpreter consoles
     audio and video recording of the event
     LCD projectors
     Projection screens
     LAPTOP computers
     PLASMA monitors 42” and 50”
     truss frames for banners and large canvases
  • company profile

    Translations corner

    • Company introduction:TRANSLATION CORNER is a company with main activity in the field of preparation of written translations, simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, as well as event organization (seminars, conferences, workshops etc.). We can provide for you accurate, quality and always in time delivered product. Our sole goal is to help our clients in overcoming the everlasting language barrier.
    • Contact Person Name:TRANSLATION CORNER
    • Address:Шекспирова 9-1/16
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
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