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BOXER - Aftershave lotion

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product description
  • Product Description:Aftershave lotion - 100 ml
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Seller:Nimeks
  • Place of Origin:Poland
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Nimeks d.o.o – Skopje is a company specializing in trade that has been successful on the Macedonian market since 1991. Today, after years of experience we are one of the biggest importers and distributors of product lines of many world brands, including Žito Ljubljana’s Gorenjka chocolate bars, Grande pastas, Zlati Prepecenec breadsticks, Bono long lasting pastries, Sumi candies and others, Mercator–Emba’s Benquick milk flavors, Sladki Greh chocolate dressings, Choco Pops cornflakes as well, as part of Liven’s product line from Spain, mostly consisting of potato chips, popcorn, tortilla pitas, and products from the Polish food producer Mieszko, Gellwe (We carry complete product lines - the energy drinks Tiger, instant caffe, hot chocolate, instant pancake, iced tea and a lot more) and Jago-Pro (deo spray, losion and gel), the Serbian producer IB Team, Verde juices, products from General Fresh producer for toilet and room air freshers, gell for dish washing, etc. Recently started offering two new brands from Hungary - Wet Wipe and dr.pack. . Nimeks d.o.o – Skopje distributes its products quickly and efficiently to all sales terminals in Republic of Macedonia with our own vehicles. Our team of carefully selected staff and versed management meets daily in our offices located in close proximity to our warehouse, and provides complete satisfaction for our valued clients.
    • Contact Person Name:Ванчо Николовски
    • Address:ул. Миодраг Илиќ бр. 1Б
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Year registered:1991
    • Geo Location:Show
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    Retail Price - VAT Included:Ask for price

    BOXER - Deodorant


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