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product description
Product Description:RED SPONGE
for original filter box
Self-extinguishing, expanding polyurethane filter elements with an increased air and filtering capacity, designed for sporting applications. You can recognise Red Sponge immediately by its distinctive Malossi red colour and the yellow trademark.
- Increased thickness with calculated porosity.
- Optimum filtering characteristics when dry which can be improved by moistening with Malossi oil.
- Selected material produced exclusively for specific use. Perfectly interchangeable with the originals they are especially suitable for high-performance engines.
for original filter box
Self-extinguishing, expanding polyurethane filter elements with an increased air and filtering capacity, designed for sporting applications. You can recognise Red Sponge immediately by its distinctive Malossi red colour and the yellow trademark.
- Increased thickness with calculated porosity.
- Optimum filtering characteristics when dry which can be improved by moistening with Malossi oil.
- Selected material produced exclusively for specific use. Perfectly interchangeable with the originals they are especially suitable for high-performance engines.
Availability:In Stock
Place of Origin:Italy
company profile
- Company introduction:МОТОЛОГИСТИКА – MOTOPARTS обезбедува високо квалитетни резервни делови за моторцикли и скутери за потребите на македонскиот пазар. Како постојан добавувач на резервни делови и опрема за моторцикли и скутери располагаме со повеќе од 13.000 артикли. Постојано истражувајќи ги модерните трендови и потребите на пазарот, секојдневно го збогатуваме широкиот спектар на производи задоволувајќи го нашето менаџерско мото: најдобра цена- најдобар квалитет. Со продажба на делови за мотори сериозно работиме од 1995 година.
- Contact Person Name:Мотоделови Велес
- Address:ул.Благој Ѓорев бр.152 нас.Тунел
- Post Code:1400
- City:Veles , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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