InCase 2 AMP Car Charger
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Përshkrimi:• Product Description:
Incase new Combo Charger is designed to keep your iPod, iPhone and iPad charged whether you're at home or on the road. AC compatible with worldwide voltage capacities and DC compatible with 12V power supplies for use in most cars, the Combo Charger features convenient hideaway wall socket prongs and a powerful 2-amp USB port, allowing for the fastest possible charge. The Combo Charger's compact and lightweight design makes it the perfect accessory for staying powered up no matter where you are.
Features LED charging indicator Soft-touch coating Compatibility - iPad, iPhone 4GB 8GB 16GB, iPhone 3G 8GB 16GB, iPhone 3GS 16GB 32GB, iPod nano 4th generation (video) 8GB 16GB, iPod nano 5th generation (video camera) 8GB 16GB, iPod classic 160GB (2009), iPod touch 2nd generation 8GB 16GB 32GB 64GB Note - To charge iPhones, the Combo Charger requires OS 3.0 or later. The Combo Charger is compatible with the most recent generation of the iPod classic, but it is not compatible with previous generations.
Incase new Combo Charger is designed to keep your iPod, iPhone and iPad charged whether you're at home or on the road. AC compatible with worldwide voltage capacities and DC compatible with 12V power supplies for use in most cars, the Combo Charger features convenient hideaway wall socket prongs and a powerful 2-amp USB port, allowing for the fastest possible charge. The Combo Charger's compact and lightweight design makes it the perfect accessory for staying powered up no matter where you are.
Features LED charging indicator Soft-touch coating Compatibility - iPad, iPhone 4GB 8GB 16GB, iPhone 3G 8GB 16GB, iPhone 3GS 16GB 32GB, iPod nano 4th generation (video) 8GB 16GB, iPod nano 5th generation (video camera) 8GB 16GB, iPod classic 160GB (2009), iPod touch 2nd generation 8GB 16GB 32GB 64GB Note - To charge iPhones, the Combo Charger requires OS 3.0 or later. The Combo Charger is compatible with the most recent generation of the iPod classic, but it is not compatible with previous generations.
Kategoria:Pjesë dhe aksesorë për telefona celularë
Disponueshmëria:Në stok
Garancia:6 muaj
profili i kompanisë
- Përshkrimi i kompanisë:Ne jemi te autorizuar nga Apple per t'i dhene klienteve zgjidhje per cdo problem dhe pyetje qe ata kane. Stafi jone eshte trajnuar dhe certifikuar nga Apple Inc per: Servis dhe riparime ; Instalime; Suport teknik; Zhvillim dhe pershtatje e kompjuterave Mac ne ambjentet e korporatave dhe biznesit. Asistence per Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod; Trajnime; Trajnime: Ne ofrojme trajnime per bazat e Mac qe do ju ndihmojne te familjarizoheni me sistemin, keshtu qe ju mund te punoni me qejf dhe te jeni me produktive. Sherbime Instalimi: Ne kujdesemi per instalimin e programeve dhe pajisjeve te tjera, pa ju shkeputur vemendjen nga punet tuaja. Servis dhe riparime: Stafi i certifikuar nga Apple eshte shume i gatshem ti pergjigjet cdo pyetje tuaj, t'ju ndihmoje ne zgjidhjen e problemeve dhe t'ju skeduloje nje takim per riparim te pajisjes.
- Emri i personit te kontaktit:MOLLA STORE
- Adresa:Rr. "Deshmoret e 4 Shkurtit", Sky Tower Tirana, Albania
- Kodi postar:1001
- Telefoni #:+355 68 2048887