Nintendo Wii U Black Premium
- përshkrimi i produktit
- profili i kompanisë
përshkrimi i produktit
Approximately 1.8 inches high, 10.5 inches deep and 6.8 inches long.
Approximately 3.41 pounds (1.5 kg).
Wii U™ GamePad:
The Wii U GamePad™ controller removes the traditional barriers between games, players and the TV by creating a second window into the video game world. It incorporates a 6.2-inch, 16:9 aspect ratio LCD touch screen, as well as traditional button controls and two analog sticks. Inputs include a +Control Pad, L/R sticks, L/R stick buttons, A/B/X/Y buttons, L/R buttons, ZL/ZR buttons, Power button, HOME button, -/SELECT button, +/START button, and TV CONTROL button. The GamePad also includes motion control (powered by an accelerometer, gyroscope and geomagnetic sensor), a front-facing camera, a microphone, stereo speakers, rumble features, a sensor bar, an included stylus and support for Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality. It is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery and weighs approximately 1.1 pounds (500 g).
The new console features a compact design that will make it a natural addition to any home entertainment setup.
Approximately 1.8 inches high, 10.5 inches deep and 6.8 inches long.
Approximately 3.41 pounds (1.5 kg).
Wii U™ GamePad:
The Wii U GamePad™ controller removes the traditional barriers between games, players and the TV by creating a second window into the video game world. It incorporates a 6.2-inch, 16:9 aspect ratio LCD touch screen, as well as traditional button controls and two analog sticks. Inputs include a +Control Pad, L/R sticks, L/R stick buttons, A/B/X/Y buttons, L/R buttons, ZL/ZR buttons, Power button, HOME button, -/SELECT button, +/START button, and TV CONTROL button. The GamePad also includes motion control (powered by an accelerometer, gyroscope and geomagnetic sensor), a front-facing camera, a microphone, stereo speakers, rumble features, a sensor bar, an included stylus and support for Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality. It is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery and weighs approximately 1.1 pounds (500 g).
The new console features a compact design that will make it a natural addition to any home entertainment setup.
Kategoria:Lojra kompjuterike dhe aksesore
Disponueshmëria:Me porosi
Garancia:6 muaj
profili i kompanisë
- Përshkrimi i kompanisë:Prej 1996 importojmë & trëgtojmë kompjutera, monitor, Laptop të markave të ndryshme. Disponojmë game të gjërë aksesorësh e paisje periferike. Krijojmë & mirmbajmë rrjete kompjuterike, sisteme vëzhgimi. Kompania eshte themeluar ne vitin 1998 , duke qene nje nga te paret e llojit kompani importuese te kompjuterave. Nder vite Euroinform Shpk, ose sic njihet me sakte Planet Computers u fokusua mbi markat me te njohura ne treg si Dell , Hp , Fujitsu Siemens duke u furnizuar kryesisht nga Gjermania . Cilesia dhe korrektesia mbi klientet ka qene dhe eshte prioritet per kompanine duke ju pergjigjur klienteve dhe bashkpuntoreve tane. Suporti teknik eshte nje nga sherbimet me kryesore te kompanise , si dhe me nje staf te kualifikuar inxhinieresh klientit i jepet siguri dhe zgjidhje ne kohe te shkurter.
- Emri i personit te kontaktit:PLANET COMPUTERS
- Adresa:Rr "Ndreko Rino" Nd 1, H 15 , 1019 Tirana, Albania
- Kodi postar:1001
- Telefoni celular #:+355 68 902 3925 / 68 401 9189
- Telefoni #:+355 42 434 066
- Viti i regjistrimit:1998