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product description
  • Description::"Astonishing plant", "Tree of Life"
    Moringa is a perfect natural super food which by its nutritional properties exceeds all other Super Plants, a suitable diet in diabetes, Type 1 and 2.
    It contains 30% protein - builds muscle mass, a lot of calcium - strengthens bones - prevents osteoporosis.
    Proteins in Moringa contains 18 of the 20 known amino acids necessary body, including all eight in essential and which can not synthesize them and we must enter through food.
    Moringa with more than 90 verifiable nutrients, contains a significant amount of vitamin A (Alpha and Beta Carotene), B, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, K, folic acid, biotin and more polyphenols, minerals, fiber, and chlorophyll and 3,6,9 Omega fatty acids.
    It also contains 36 anti-inflammatories.
    The cells of the skin with the Moringa far BRZR rebuild what has resulted in the reduction of wrinkles.
    Zeatin, ingredient Moringa is a top powerful antioxidant properties, rejuvenates the body, slows down aging. Moringa is a powerful detoxifier of the body.
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    Cortex Labs d.o.o.

    • Company introduction:PRIMED products are high quality and effective products organic composition. Primary care medicine is the name of which was inspired by the priority that these products need to have in maintaining health. The primary method for the treatment of some diseases is acting on the root of the problem. We Cortex Labs, we believe that healthy habits and a healthy diet in the first place and a priority in the prevention but also during treatment of various diseases.
    • Contact Person Name:Stanko Nikolic
    • Address:Gostivarska 78
    • Post Code:11000
    • city: ,
    • Telephone #:011 3910 187


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