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product description
  • Description:This course is designed for complete beginners who want to gain basic knowledge of Swedish. In the process of learning as a basic textbook used "Rivstart A1 + A2" Part 1, which is accompanied by a workbook and CD. To extend and promote the submitted material used textbooks: "Nybörjarsvenska", "Svenska för nybörjare" and "Svenska utifrån", including exercises and working texts. Mandatory part of the course are phonetic exercises to learn the correct pronunciation. At the discretion of the teacher to give additional material (exercises, texts) that are not included in the main program. All times are diversifying and a Swedish study of popular songs, of course, at the request of the students.

    The total duration of the course is 50 hours 45 minutes at the end of the course the students are expected to:

    have mastered the basic grammar of the Swedish language;

    have a vocabulary of about 1500 words;

    read and understand simple texts;

    easy to hold a conversation topic.
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Nordstudeo language school offers courses in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch and Finnish. The groups are small. And for those who are not in Sofia offer distance learning.
    • Contact Person Name:Ема Попова
    • Address:ул. Тодорини кукли 47
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #:089 3306194
    • Telephone #:02 9631765


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