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product description
  • Description:The tattoo is a fashion empire, composed of its own language, style and zakoni.Tya is an integral part of human civilization. for some people is a philosophy, others just fashion, but a third way of life. Work with local anesthesia Lidocain, which is sprayed directly onto the skin. It is known that the closer to the bone is a picture, the more it hurts. Tattoo masters warn that the most painful tattoos are applied on the thighs, groin, abdomen, ribs and spine. Attn timid - first nicks cause the discomfort. Then the sensitivity threshold falls and tolerated the procedure slightly.
    The tattoo is a wound that needs to heal properly. For this reason, you should choose the right moment will make it. Most inappropriate to make it through the summer. Remember that the longer your tattoo should not have contact with direct sunlight. It is appropriate to tattooing in the fall, winter or early spring. Most importantly, do not leave the area to dry. The tattoo must be applied using a thin layer of antibiotic cream until healed.
  • company profile

    Beauty center EGO

    • Company introduction:Center for Health and beauty, hairdressing, beauty and rejuvenation.
    • Contact Person Name:Бадарова
    • Address:Хасково, ул. 6 септември 1
    • Post Code:6304
    • City:Haskovo , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #:088 7474469
    • Telephone #:038 666107
    • Geo Location:Show


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