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  • Company introduction:Promedica was established on 03.06.1996 with private capital. Promedica is a longtime exclusive partner of renowned multinational companies in the field of pharmacy, medicine and dentistry. Promedica is committed to patients and gives strong support to the development of its clients through participation in congresses, symposia, technical workshops, fairs and congresses. Business and storage facilities meet the strictest criteria of international standards for quality in health and pharmaceutical services. Promedica has over 100 employees who are actively involved in its development according to their competence, knowledge and experience. The core business of Promedica is distribution of: Medicines and medical materials; medical devices, medical supplies and equipment; Dental equipment, dental spending material and dental equipment and materials, service and maintenance of appliances and equipment, and training, education and specializing. Mission: Provide high quality products, efficient logistics to points of sale, spreading the portfolio of products and services that contribute to the company's growth and satisfaction of end users and employees. In the function of health our mission is based on: Professionalism - a strong and effective link with end users and support for solving health problems in the best and most efficient way; Quality - Offer the highest quality - expeditionary logistics, and good practice - Existence of known world brands in our portfolio allows us to offer the best solutions. Vision: To be an example of professionalism, honesty, quality and knowledge. Objectives: Orientation to the needs of end users is the highest priority; planned and continuous implementation of examining the satisfaction of our customers and getting feedback on our work, and through regular and appropriate information about requirements and criticism from customers can adequately optimize the quality of ours...
  • Contact Person Name:Др. Бисера Лакинска
  • Address:Св, Кирил и Методиј бр.50-1/5 п.фах 122 (Мито Хаџивасилев Јасмин)
  • Post Code:1000
  • City:Skopje , Macedonia
  • Telephone #:023248400
  • Fax #:023248401
  • Year registered:1996
  • Geo Location:Show





Company profile complete78.12%
Number of products469
Member since09 Sep, 2011
Last activity14:18:14 , 22 Feb, 2021
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